What is a belief?
A BELIEF is energy manifested in the form of electricity in one’s brain.
A belief is made of a set of ideas!
An IDEA is energy manifested in the form of electricity in the brain.
An idea is made of a set of thoughts!
A THOUGHT is energy manifested in the form of electricity in the brain.
A thought is made of a very short living electricity!
And all these 3 are an interpretation of what you would call reality.
Beliefs are a collection of a lot of thoughts.
You think about them over and over.
When you talk about the past and future beliefs can start playing with you.
Every time you make a goal it is based on your beliefs.
And your beliefs are set in the past, often from childhood where we did not question what we were made to believe.
Mind is always creating from the past.
Stop searching the past.
Create something new.
Vibration and Belief:
When you choose to become alive in a human body, you sign up for a world of opposites. But they are not coming by surprise or sensed by someone else besides you.
Low vibration creations come from low vibration beliefs. These beliefs create your reality by learning, focussing, and acting accordingly.
Disease, for example, is a low vibration creation that comes from low vibration belief systems and therefore low vibration acting.
You are facing an opportunity to correct your creation as long as you are willing to work on your beliefs about yourself, others, and existence.
And then your actions will lead you to do what you need to do to restore your health.
You might think it's a lonely road...and you are absolutely right!
Restoring your beliefs is a personal act that will be supported by the universe if you really want it.
You are a perfect spirit, made of divinity.
You are pure love, pure freedom, and pure intention.
Stop looking for why’s and get to work on yourself.
Get to work on your beliefs about yourself, and your beliefs about existence.
Find out how to Crack a Belief
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