Choosing Self Worth
Today a good friend/ sister sent me this -
Part one of ‘Seth's Lecture to Pat's Boston High School Class’, March 25, 1967:
"How many of you are ill? How many of your parents are ill? The illness is a physical materialization of an inner illness. You can rid yourself of the physical symptom perhaps, by taking medicine, but the illness will break out again and again. You can only rid yourself of such a condition by discovering the inner reason for it, by discovering the inner illness. And there are various ways of doing this."
My example of this is the time I discovered so much pain in my feet and could hardly walk. I took it as maybe I was wearing the wrong shoes, or standing for too long in the job I was in.
But then I went deeper within and realized that this was not because I was standing for too long, nor because of the shoes I was wearing, but because of the denial of the inner strength of stress that I was feeling.
Sometimes we can tell ourselves so many different stories; my story felt like I wasn’t stressed, that I wasn’t carrying anything, but once I meditated (which does take time to do correctly to find ones deeper being of feeling) I realized I was carrying stress of inner thoughts that were not serving me.
I went through months of this pain, suffering every time I woke up. I tried Acupuncture, I tried massaging, wondering what was causing this? And then I discovered through my meditation it was the stress I was carrying; thoughts of wanting to feel appreciated, wanting to feel noticed, feeling the want of recognition, work that I was doing and not being recognized for.
I then got the opportunity, through this time of Covid, to remove myself from the space I was in and re-enter a new space with my family, for the first time in five years. My boys, a big section of my love, Anil and Ajay.
I totally disconnected from my work and chose to be present every day, rather than thinking about tomorrow or the day after that.
I was enjoying the love and the freedom, and then, not thinking as such, I had totally let go, and without realizing the pain in my feet had disappeared!
I stand today with no pain in my feet and I choose to enjoy each day in the present. This makes me feel at peace more with myself in a higher vibration, bringing me joy and so much more.
So, the lesson I learned through this journey was to let go, to not worry about what others think about, what others do, just to appreciate you is all that’s needed. If you know you are doing the best you possibly can then surely that’s all that’s needed and is enough!
Just try and be present as much as you can each day you awake, and just enjoy - enjoy nothing, even, if that feels good, whatever you wish.
The mind can control so much of what we do based on our experience from years gone by, programming us to think that we should be a certain way or do a certain thing, including the influence from generations before us. But that doesn’t serve me anymore, so I choose not to believe it as a given, and I choose to do what gives me the freedom, the love, and the intention, for my day.
I’m not saying that the past doesn’t come in front of me at times, it does, but the beautiful thing is I can recognize it more now, by being present as much as possible, and choosing to be in that story, or by stopping and creating a new earth journey. The step for me was to walk with no pain and feel free.
Enjoy your freedom and your love. Love you first in order for you to love anyone else and everything around you.
All is LOVE and Energy.
How do you choose to walk forward today? Explore, enjoy, and let me know.
You are one, you are connected, you are source, only you choose the steps in front of you.
Stay blessed.
- East
November 2020