Siil Canaan, please share why at times I have challenges sleeping and wake up too early or I fall asleep to late?
Good day, glad to be here to help you all to remember.
The biggest part of you is pure freedom, pure love and pure INTENTION!
That means that your spirit / soul / awareness itself, is free to stay, or not, in your body and mind, and your spirit loves it’s body and mind unconditionally, and your spirit still be willing to move forward and evolve.
When there is a problem or something unpleasant in your body and mind (e.g. expressed through insomnia) means that mind is resisting wellbeing.
So, meditate!
Sooner rather than later you all will realize that mind (Ego) is really a tool made to be used by your souls (freedom, love, and intention).
How can I quit smoking?
It is a wonderful accomplishment moving forward to a vibration where you can hear us!
You can quit smoking by changing your beliefs about yourself. Addictive behaviours are giving away your power due to ideas that the chemicals have more power than you, which is a false premise.
Siil Canaan can help you to dig deep in your beliefs to do the work, cracking and replacing those beliefs!
(of course, if you really, really, really want to fix this, once and for all?)
Why is my blood pressure high?
Your blood pressure is high because you weren’t listening to your body for so long. Your body is in constant communication with your mind. Body is asking for the right food, asking for attention and care, asking to rest and sleep as it needs.
When one is neglecting the request of your body, that body lacks love and care and chaos arrives in your system.
Blood pleasure is just the beginning of a path no one wants to walk. But you will if you don’t pay attention to your body, and more importantly, if your souls doesn’t take over your mind.
Mind can be distracted in the past and future, whilst the present moment is being completely missed!
Life lays only and purely in the present moment. Mind doesn’t care about the present moment and that is why some humans meditate and take over their mind.
Mind with no control from your soul is like a wild horse after loosing his rider suddenly.
This is going to open a cam of worms 🐛
Reach out for more help in such a journey and take back the life you intended to live in planet earth!
There is so much love and strength for you here!
My hair is falling off! My hair quality is so bad, and my scalp feels sore. I do feel like my body doesn't feel good, but it has no reason to. Because I believe I feel good. So what’s going on?
We love to come and visit in the form of words.
We want to lovingly remind you that your body is a translator of vibrations. So are all your senses. Your mind wants to rationalize how you are doing but you cannot hide what your inner being is asking you. It is like putting a happy face sticker in the gas light of your car so you won’t see that you are running out of gasoline. Your car would let you know anyway that you don’t have more gas. It’s the same thing with your inner beings’ desires, if you cover them up with distractions and thoughts of everything is ok.
We have asked you to face your inner being and bring up through meditation who you really are instead of rationalizing and suppressing the biggest part of you. We told you that if you continue taking your decisions with your mind pretty soon your whole body will let you know that you are not your mind, you are bigger than that and all that hair you are losing is just a reminder.
Go back to who you are and disregard what your mind is telling you based in social programming.
Siil Canaan, I need help! Last night it felt like I left my body. A panic attack. I felt so scared losing control. I have no idea of where it came from. Almost felt like a warning. Why did it come?
One of the most interesting mechanisms for self preservation is disconnecting from our perception of reality. When reality is not pleasing you and instead is scaring you or depressing you, because that is what you believe is happening, then you experience these sudden events where the panic is so intense that your existence splits a little.
We recommend you to take space for all the thinking that you strongly believe is hardcore true. Let us remind you that all that you think is true is so because you are used to believing that for a very long time.
We have two solutions for you now:
1 - Stop everything you are doing and move drastically to another situation. Some people might call it, “a geographical escape”
2 - Meditate with intensity and question your beliefs about what you are describing as true, or reality, in your life.
We have to warn you, option 2 requires more courage and strength.
And definitely we suggest that you get someone to help you and lead you through that, it may be a professional, or a close friend, whoever knows about this stuff.
Can I ask you about my physical health? It feels it interrupts my flow…how can I be cantered and full of joy if my body doesn’t want to work with me. Or have all my worries scared my body?
When is a lack of joy your body tells you....this is not working.
Your body is yelling at you
We are yelling at you
With love
Follow your bliss, go where the fun is
Follow the passion
Not yelling but speaking loud
Logically your ego has a plan
Ego is just logic and ideas that are mostly false
Your body has spoken too
Even your logic tells you other wise, after you make your decision then you would feel relief, then happiness and then joy.
Little by little
But little decisions lead to big ones
Look for the feeling of relief
All will fall in place
You can not make anybody happy if you are not taking care of yourself first
The big one never needs to be addressed in one shot
Take baby steps
Make little decisions that make you feel relief
Then your health will start to improve so you will have more power to make another decision
And so on
This is a warning
If you just keep going with the flow of old beliefs of your mind things will not get better for you, on the contrary.
Any idea why I keep breaking bones?
There are two things to consider in that matter. Our vibration is surfing life as we live. Certain vibrations duel with creations that we might not be aware of. Being surrendered by a particular vibration, eventually drags you in the creations all around you.
Bones are the structure of our physicality. When the structures outside aren’t working for others it might affect you too.
Breaking your bones is happening for being immersed in a structure that is not working for you.
Then it makes you feel fragile and out of your element.
Express yourself to the other in the way you really are. Don’t hold back.