Religion…to me it seems the teachings of Siil are more in line with eastern religions rather than Christianity or Catholicism.
Is the traditional way we pray to Jesus or God and go to mass incorrect?
Religions from east to west, north and south are basically a set of rules to suit and control humans living in fear.
Giving them something to believe blindly and that has evolved to the point that mind has created a world of disconnection and more fear.
Religion has divided humans into false categories; good person or bad person, right religion or wrong religion, follow Jesus or you`re an enemy and you will be born in hell, read this book to be saved, pray to god in this way otherwise “He” will ignore you, don’t eat pork, don’t drink alcohol, don’t curse, etc…
What is religion doing for you?
Forget other religions. What is your religion doing for you?
Is it lovingly helping you to be more aware of your power ?
Is it supporting you to be happy and free?
Is it encouraging you to create a new earth starting with yourself?
Or is it something you were disposed to believe in against your better knowing?